Unfortunately, there are some niches and industries that we cannot syndicate a release for, due to their nature. These are:
(a) alleges illegal or unethical behavior on the part of another party,
(b) alleges breach of contract on the part of another party, or otherwise threatens any party with litigation, or
(c) makes false or misleading claims regarding the identified sponsor or any third party or the products or services of the identified sponsor of any third party.
1) Adult / nudity or relevant content.
2) Betting / gambling or relevant content.
3) Buying likes, followers and views for social media websites such as twitter, facebook,youTube, instagram etc.
4) ClickBank/ClickSure hopLinks, affiliate marketing links or relevant websites selling products / ebooks on get-rich quick schemes, phone unlock, FOREX trading, proven/unproven medical alternatives and protocols. (including weight-loss products and nutritional supplements like garcinia cambogia, forskolin & etc).
5) Website Links flagged as potential malware threats.
6) Content related to Payday Loans / Credit scores / reports / ratings
7) Content with derogatory statements about other companies.
8) Erectile dysfunction & related or breast enhancement/enlargement or even the massage centers.
9) Other then above we don’t allow phone unlock content.